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Achievements in

museums and exhibitions

of national and international prominence

Scenarios performed in shows and

cultural events

medium and large

Office deployments,

customer expirience and corporate events

Quem somos   ||||| 

We are a company specialized in setting up scenarios for expography, medium and long-term museography, cultural experience, theater and corporate actions.

With a diversified portfolio and composed of challenging projects, we have the São Paulo Biennial of Arts with over 20,000 square meters of exhibition space, the Cosmic Portal at the Museum of Tomorrow with its impressive metallic structure of 1,900 cubic meters, the memories and identities of the centuries 19 and 20 presented in a totally renovated environment at the Immigration Museum, the science presented through playfulness with the experiences of the Catavento Museum and the emotion of the opening and closing ceremonies of the RIO 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Com portfólio diversificado e composto por projetos desafiadores temos Bienal de Artes de São Paulo e seus 20.000 metros quadrados de espaço expositivo, o Portal Cósmico no Museu do Amanhã com sua impressionante estrutura metálica de 1.900 metros cúbicos, as memórias e identidades do séculos 19 e 20 apresentadas em um ambiente totalmente renovado no Museu da Imigração, a ciência apresentada através do lúdico com as experiencias do Museu Catavento, a emoção marcada nas cerimônias de abertura e encerramento dos Jogos Olímpicos e Paralímpicos RIO 2016, entre outros.  


We have locksmiths, joiners, painters, decorators, upholsterers, electricians, glaziers, producers and designers. To ensure safety and certification in the projects of our partners and customers, the execution is monitored by experienced Architects, Engineers and Technicians. 


Our achievements are present from north to south of Brazil, highlighting the tours that travel through cities and states.

Look  some works performed by Metro Cenografia.  

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